I.P.D. (personal protective equipment) are essential tools for preventing and combating SARS COVID-19 infection.
Kethema® supports the prevention and control of COVID-19 by providing its customers with a comprehensive list of selected products for adults and children.
See our product list, you can make your purchases from the comfort of your home.
FFP2 CE MASK BIOFIL Hospital Category High Filtration
Biofil filter mask, model MY3D2, is a device with protection degree FFP2 NR, the reference standard for the construction of personal protective equipment UNI EN 149:2001+A1:2009. The minimum efficiency grade of the mask is 95%. The device can be described as a valveless half-mask covering nose, mouth and chin [...].
FFP2 CE BIOFIL MASK with nuchal straps
The Biofil filter mask, model MY3D2, is a device with protection degree FFP2 NR, the reference standard for the construction of personal protective equipment UNI EN 149:2001+A1:2009. The minimum filtration efficiency of the mask is 95%. The device can be described as a valveless half-mask covering nose, mouth [...]
FFP2 mask - individually bagged
The Black FFP2 Facemask is a nonreusable filtering device that provides effective respiratory protection from solid or liquid nonvolatile particles such as smoke, mist, and dust. The half-face mask features a foldable filter body made of multiple layers of non-woven polypropylene fabric, comfortable latex-free ear elastics and a bar [...]